(Rising Field) Handbook (2024)


English Handbook
(English follows Japanese)

EtonHouse Education Group


 2024年6月10日 – 8月30日


EtonHouse Education Group Japan

 107-0052 東京都港区赤坂9-2-16

Website: www.etonhouse.co.jp

Email: office@etonhouse.co.jp

Phone: 03-6804-3322 


Rising Field KaruizawaのSummer Schoolへようこそ!

EtonHouse Education Groupはシンガポール本部を中心に、アジア地域に120校以上のインターナショナルスクールおよび幼稚園を展開しています。長野県軽井沢町の自然の中でのサマースクールプログラムの実施は、今年で9回目を迎えることができました。

私達は、自然環境こそが子供達の認知発達や社会的、感情的な発達に多大なるインパクトを与えると確信しています。この環境が、子供達が自身と向き合い、成長につなげていける貴重な機会になると思います。Rising Field Karuizawaにて、’いつもとは違った教室’を繰り広げてまいります。今回のプログラムでは、子供達が探究し、考え、議論し、自信、チームワーク、そしてリーダーシップをも養えるようなプログラムになっています。子どもたちで決め、計画を立て、意欲的に学ぶことができるよう、その時々で柔軟に運営できるプログラムを構築しております。



Anli Tan
Managing Director
EtonHouse Japan






|会場: 0267-41-6891 (ライジングフィールド)
|EtonHouse 東京事務局: 03-6804-3322
|プログラム時間中の緊急連絡先: 080-3249-6869 (Mr.アンリ・タン)



  • 集合9:00 am解散3:00 pm

  • アクセス(公式サイト: ライジングフィールド
    |車:Rising Fieldの駐車場をご利用ください。
    |公共バス:Rising Field Karuizawaの停留所で下車ください。 運行時刻に関してのお問い合わせは、バス会社の草軽交通0267-42-2441までご連絡ください。


Frontier Field Ridge Lodge #14, 15(下記地図を参照ください)





1) 長袖・長ズボン(虫除けのため)

2) スニーカー/スポーツ用の靴

3) 帽子

4) 毎朝、プログラム参加前に日焼け止め&虫除けをした上でお越しください

5) 6月は気温が15度に下がることもございますので暖かい服装でご参加ください。




1) 着替え2セット

2) リバートレッキング用の替えのスニーカーまたは水遊び用の靴

3) 雨天時に着用する合羽/ポンチョ

4) ビニール袋 2袋

5) ハイキングの時に使用するリュック

6) 虫除け

7) 日焼け止め

8) タオル

9) 水の入った水筒





  • 貴重品、現金、ゲーム機器、タブレット、スマートフォン、食べ物等
  • ナッツやナッツを含む食べ物 (栗、ココナッツを含む全てのナッツ、ピーナッツバターも持ち込み不可) (重いナッツアレルギー(特にピーナッツ)のお子様がいる場合があります)







EtonHouse Groupの規程により、ご参加のお子様、保護者、および教職員のプライバシーを保護する為、プログラム中に保護者が撮影したビデオや画像をソーシャルネットワークサービス(Facebook、Twitter等)、ブログ、インターネット上のサイトに掲載することを禁止します。EtonHouseが撮影したビデオや写真は関係者の許可のもと関係者の閲覧目的のみで使用致します。



指示書の提出があった場合は処方薬の持ち込みも許可します。指示書は医師の診断のもと記載されたものに限ります。スタッフは市販の医薬品の管理、投与はできません。“Medication Authorization Form”に事前に記入をお願いします。万一のリスクを避けるためにも、プログラム参加前に全ての服用を済ませて来場することを推奨します。



プログラムご参加中の全ての連絡は東京オフィス(電話03-6804-3322 またはメール office@etonhouse.co.jp)までお願いします。緊急連絡用電話 (080-3249-6869)でも受け付けていますが、プログラム実施中はスタッフが電話に応答できない可能性もありますことを予めご了承ください。欠席や遅れる場合は、お電話やEメールでなくこちらからご連絡ください。









住所: 389-0111長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町大字長倉2375-1
電話番号: 0267-45-5111



Rising Fieldの避難手順に従います。









P1 駐車場をご利用ください


  • サマースクールに来る前に毎日必ずお子様の体温を測ってください。37.5度以上の熱がある場合はサマースクールに参加することができません。
  • 保護者はお子様の体調管理をお願いします。お子様の体調がすぐれない場合はご参加を控え、病院での受診をお願いします。発熱した場合、解熱後24時間が経過した時点でご参加頂けます。
  • お子様のマスク着用は任意です。ただし、お子様がマスクの管理ができないと判断された場合、スタッフがお子様のマスクを外し、直ちに処分します。屋外プログラムのため、特に気温が急激に上昇する午後は、マスク着用による熱中症に留意して判断させていただきます。
  • プログラム中は定期的に手洗い、アルコール消毒を行うことを推奨します。 



キャンプサイトは浅間山の6km東に位置しています。浅間山は活火山であることを踏まえ、地元の自治体およびキャンプの管理元と密に連絡をとり、噴火のリスクに備えています。緊急時はキャンプの管理元のガイドラインに従って行動します。緊急避難場所は事務局のすぐ隣りにあるSky Ark’(鋼製コンテナ構造)となります。




TimeDAY1 (月)DAY2 (火)DAY3 (水)DAY4 (木)DAY5 (金)
10:00-11:30- チームビルディング・ゲーム
- 地図スタンプラリー
- ロープコース
- チームビルディング・ゲーム
- テーマ・プロジェクト
- チームビルディング・ゲーム
- 木のクラフト
- チームビルディング・ゲーム
- テーマ・プロジェクト
- チームビルディング・ゲーム
- 火起こし
11:30-13:00ランチ&休憩ランチ&休憩ランチ&休憩ランチ&休憩- BBQ
13:00-14:30自然探検, 森&川トレッキング森&川トレッキング森&川トレッキング滝トレッキング13:00より親子アクティビティ
  • お子様には “OWL ADVENTURE”のロープコースで挑戦する機会があります。ただし、このコースへの参加を希望されない場合はオフィスにご連絡ください。装具を着けることに不安がある場合は、安全上の理由からも参加を強制するものではありません。
  • 毎週金曜日に保護者を招待してアクティビティを行います。5日間の頑張りを皆で祝う楽しい企画をご用意しておりますので、ぜひご参加ください。詳細はご登録のEメールアドレスにご案内します。
  • 天候や子ども達の関心度合により、スケジュールや活動内容が変更になることがあります。
  • 天災(地震、台風等)によりプログラムを提供できない場合の振替や補償は一切行いません。


“Owl Adventure”


私達は幼児教育の認可を受けた、屋外活動の経験が豊富な教育者を採用しています。異なるバックグラウンドや国籍(英国、カナダ、米国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、南アフリカ、スペイン、ブラジル、シンガポール、台湾、日本等)のスタッフがいます。子ども達の能力を最大限に引き出す力を持つ教育者たちです。全スタッフが緊急時の応急処置とC P Rの訓練を受けています。キャンプ場のプロのインストラクターがOwl Adventureのロープコースやチームビルディングのアクティビティをガイドします。

(English Handbook Below)

EtonHouse Education Group



June 10 – August 30, 2024

Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan

EtonHouse Education Group Japan

9-2-16 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052 JAPAN

Website: www.etonhouse.co.jp

Email: office@etonhouse.co.jp

Phone: 03-6804-3322 (From outside Japan, dial +81-3-6804-3322)


Welcome to our Summer School in Rising Field Karuizawa!

EtonHouse Education Group, headquartered in Singapore with more than 120 international schools and pre-schools across Asia is proud to present our 9th summer school program in the nature of Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture. 

We believe that the natural environment has an enormous impact on children’s cognitive and social emotional well being. This will be a unique experience for your children to engage themselves within this setting. With the collaboration of Rising Field Karuizawa, we are able to provide your children with a different ‘classroom environment’. Our educators have planned activities to challenge your children to inquire, think, discuss, build confidence, teamwork and leadership. We structure this program in such a way that it is flexible enough for children to decide, plan and execute their interest in learning. 

Our planet needs our help to survive for the next generations to come. Join us as we provide opportunities for your children to understand, appreciate and engage hands on with our natural world. Through these experiences we will uncover how nature inspires innovative and sustainable technology. We will delve into the basics of BIOMIMICRY, (Mimic of the natural world) and how we can look to nature to help heal our planet again.

A child of the 21st century is one that could sustain and adapt in any given situation/environment now or beyond. We hope your children could pick up some of these skills to prepare them for the future that is constantly changing. Most importantly, your children shall enjoy and have fun in the nature of Karuizawa!


Anli Tan
Managing Director
EtonHouse Japan


Venue and Contact

  • Venue: Rising Field Karuizawa
  • Access: http://www.rising-field.com/access
  • Address: 2129 Kokuyurin, Nagakurayama, Karuizawamachi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano
  • Contact Number:
    | Rising Field(Venue): 0267-41-6891
    | EtonHouse Tokyo: 03-6804-3322
    | EtonHouse Staff during the Program Hours: 080-3249-6869 (Mr. Anli Tan)

Drop off/Pick up and Meeting area

Frontier Field Ridge Lodge #14, 15 (See the Map below)

By Car:Please use Rising Field “P1” Parking lot

By Public Bus:Alight at Rising Field Karuizawa bus stop. Please contact bus company 草軽交通0267-42-2441 for time schedule.

Daily 9:00 am drop off and 3:00 pm pick up. It is important to pick up your child on time.

Parents/guardians are required to leave after drop off, this is to ensure that children could start and focus on the class activities immediately. 

There will be a gathering each Friday, please join us with your children for some fun activities to celebrate their achievements. The details of the Friday gathering will be sent to your registered Email addresses the week you are participating. Please kindly look out for the Email.


Daily Attire

1) Long shirt and long pants.
* Children
must wear long-sleeved T shirts and long pants to prevent insect bites. Please note that black fly/buffalo gnat is common in this national park.

2) Sneakers/sports shoes.

3) Hat

4) Please apply sunblock and insect repellent for your child before attending in the morning.

5) Please prepare warm clothing for participants in June, the temperature could drop down to about 15 degrees celsius.


Items to bring

*All Items must be labeled with your child’s name

  1. Spare clothes (2 sets)
  2. Spare sneakers/sports or Aqua shoes for river trekking. No crocs and sandals.
  3. Raincoat/Ponchos for activities under the rain
  4. Plastic bags x 2(For soiled clothes and collecting items from trial hike)
  5. Backpack for hiking
  6. Insect repellent
  7. Sun block
  8. Towels
  9. Water bottle

*We may ask you to bring additional items depending on the activities/projects.
*Please check items in a bag with your child.

      Items not allowed:

  • Valuable items, cash, electronic games, tablets, smartphones, food, etc. School will not be responsible for damage or loss of any items.
  • Nuts and nuts related food  (All nuts including chestnuts,  coconuts,  peanut butter,  etc cannot be brought into school) We may have children with severe nut (especially peanut) allergy. 

*Bringing food: Due to conserving the environment and food safety, food cannot be brought to the program. Please have plenty of breakfast before arriving and have some snack outside of the venue after pickup.



Lunch is provided. As there will be no snack time, it is important to have a full breakfast before attending. 


Privacy Protection

The EtonHouse Group has a policy that no video or photographic content taken of our students by parents during class hours is to be shared on any social network websites, (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), blogs or websites in the public domain. The reason for this is to protect the privacy of children, parents, and teachers of our school. Videos or photos taken within EtonHouse settings (which should always have approval by relevant personnel in charge) are for private family viewing only.


Administration of Medicine

Medication can only be administered if full written instructions are given. This should only be for the completion of a required course of medication as prescribed by a medical practitioner. Over the counter (OTC) analgesics “CANNOT” be administered by the staff.  A “Medication Authorization Form” must be filled out in advance. To avoid any risk of a teacher giving wrong dosage of medicine, it is recommended that your child finishes all medication before attending to the program. 


Communication During Class hours

All communications should be done through our Tokyo school at 03-6804-3322 or office@etonhouse.co.jp . For any emergency you could also reach us at 080-3249-6869, however please note that staff may not be reached during class hours. To inform us of the absence/delay, please kindly fill out this form instead of a phone call or email.


Medical Emergencies

In the event of a medical emergency, the school’s first point of contact will be either parent or the primary caregiver, unless the staff determines that an ambulance should be called or the child taken to a nearby hospital or doctor for immediate treatment. Should neither parent nor the primary caregiver be reached at the time of an incident, EtonHouse will take the child to the nearest hospital or doctor. All bills related to the medical care will be passed on to the parents.


Limitation of Liability (Disclaimer)

EtonHouse shall not be responsible for any claims in connection with death, personal injury suffered within or outside of its premises, except where EtonHouse is found to have been grossly negligent or guilty of willful misconduct.


Nearest Hospital for Emergency

  • Karuizawa Hospital
    Address: 2375-1 Nagakura, Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano-ken 389-0111
    Contact Number: 0267-45-5111


Emergency Evacuation

In an emergency evacuation, staff will evacuate the students from the campsite to a designated area. We shall follow the evacuation procedure according to Rising Field’s instruction.



Insurance covered by the school
– Type of Insurance: Medical Insurance
– Insurance Coverage: JPY 500k per accident per student. JPY 1m for death and permanent disability


Using the Shiraito Highland toll road for drop off & pick up

For Drop off & Pick up at our Karuizawa Summer Camp Venue (Rising Field Karuizawa), you will be charged 500 yen each time in order to enter the Shiraito Highland toll road. Thank you for your kind understanding. Please see here for details.



Please park your vehicle at the P1 Parking Lot instead of driving into the campsite.


Precautionary Measures for Infectious Diseases

  • Please check your children’s body temperature before coming to the campsite, anyone with a temperature of more than 37.5 degrees will not be allowed to join our program
  • Parents are required to monitor their children’s health at all times, if your child is unwell, please keep them at home and consult a doctor. Keep your child at home 24 hours free of fever before returning to our program.
  • It’s optional for children to wear a mask, however if they cannot manage it well our teachers shall remove and dispose of it right away. This is an outdoor program and the temperature could go up very quickly at noon or in the afternoon and as a result, children may suffer from heat stroke if they are wearing masks. In that case, the teachers may advise children to remove their masks.
  • Children shall be encouraged to wash their hands, sanitize with alcohol regularly during the program hours 


Mount Asama

Our campsite is about 6km east of Mt. Asama and this is a live volcano. With this in mind, we will be in constant contact with the local authorities and the camp management if there is a risk of eruption. Our school shall be following the guidelines provided by the camp management for such emergencies. The nearest immediate evacuation site is the ‘Sky Ark’, a steel container structure right next to our operation tents.


Program Schedule

All activities conducted in English

09:00-10:00Introduction & Safety orientationMorning Meeting with songsMorning Meeting with songsMorning Meeting with songsMorning Meeting with songs
10:00-11:30- Team Building Games & Activities
- Map stamp rally
- Rope Course
- Team Building Games
- Theme Projects
-Tree Climbing
- Team Building Games
- Wood Crafts
- Team Building Games
- Theme Projects
- Team Building Games
- Making fire
11:30-13:00Lunch & RestLunch & RestLunch & RestLunch & RestStarting Fire & BBQ
13:00-14:30Exploring nature, Forest & River TrekkingForest & River TrekkingForest & River TrekkingTrekking to WaterfallActivities with Parents from13:00
14:30-15:00Reflection TimeReflection TimeReflection TimeReflection TimeSame as above
(Activities with Parents)
  • Each child will be challenging themselves at the “OWL ADVENTURE” Rope Course, please contact us at the office if you do not wish your child(ren) to participate. Children that are not comfortable with the harness shall not be forced to join this, this is due to safety reasons. 
  • Parents/guardians are invited to join a celebration every Friday to wrap up the week with fun activities with your children. Details will be send to your registered Email addresses. Please look out for Emails.
  • Schedule and activities may change due to weather and children’s interest.
  • In cases that we cannot provide the above program due to natural disaster (eg. Earthquake, Typhoon etc), our school would not be able to do makeup on other dates or provide any compensation


“Owl Adventure”


Summer Program Staff

We choose educators who are strong in outdoor experience and qualified early childhood educators. These educators are from different backgrounds and countries; UK, Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Brazil, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan etc. Each educator shall have unique skill sets to bring out the best of your children. All educators would be First Aid and CPR trained in case of emergencies. Professional campsite instructors will be leading our Owl Adventure rope course and Team Building experiences. 


This page was last edited on June 11, 2024